I'm running Glassfish 4 and Jersey as JAX-RS implementation. I have secured my EJB like this:
public class AuthenticationServiceBean {
public void foo() {
I have created a security-role-mapping entry in glassfish-web.xml, and I've also created a security-role declaration in web.xml.
The following works from a servlet:
@WebServlet(name = "TestServlet", urlPatterns = {"/test.do"})
public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
private AuthenticationServiceBean authenticationService;
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
.. etc ...
But if I do it from a JAX-RS resource, such as this one:
public class TestResource {
private AuthenticationServiceBean authenticationServiceBean;
public String test() {
int x = 123; // This code executes fine
authenticationServiceBean.foo(); // This gets an AccessLocalException
return "I never returned this";
The Glassfish server log basically says: javax.ejb.AccessLocalException: Client not authorized for this invocation
I don't understand why this works for a servlet, and not for the REST resource. To me, this seems like it should work just fine.
If you change TestResource
to be EJB and if you inject AuthenticationServiceBean
using @EJB
it should work.
You can look at jersey-ejb example. And there is also jersey-gf-ejb integration module to be used to use EJBs on Glassfish AS. This is Jersey specific, JAX-RS does not support to inject EJB into Resource class yet.