I am using ExternalInterface but I have never worked with it before so I don't know what really to do. I don't even know if ExternalInterface works with AIR Android .
I am trying to implement the JS Google Maps API . At this point I am able to load the webpage with StageWebView. I can access the longitudes and latitudes values in JS but I need to access those values from AS3 when the selects a location on the map.
Here is HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
#map { height: 100%; }
<div id="map"> </div>
<script src="map.js"> </script>
<script async defer
var lat;
var lng;
window.initMap = function() {
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 0, lng: 0},
zoom: 100,
styles: [{
featureType: 'poi',
stylers: [{ visibility: 'off' }] // Turn off points of interest.
}, {
featureType: 'transit.station',
stylers: [{ visibility: 'off' }] // Turn off bus stations, train stations, etc.
disableDoubleClickZoom: true
map.addListener('click', function(e) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: {lat: e.latLng.lat(), lng: e.latLng.lng()},
map: map
lat = e.latLng.lat();
lng = e.latLng.lng();
function getLatLng()
var latlng = [];
alert("coordinates", lat, lng);
return latlng;
private var _gmapHTMLFile:File;
private var _webView:StageWebView;
private var _mapURL:String;
gmapHTMLFile = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("gmap/gmap.html");
mapURL = gmapHTMLFile.nativePath;
webView = new StageWebView();
webView.stage = stage;
webView.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
webView.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onLocationSelected)
private function onLocationSelected(e:MouseEvent):void
//I also tried
// var latslngs:Array = webView.loadURL("javascript:getlatlng()");
// doesn't work, obviously
what the onLocationSelected function does is simply show an alert window inside AIR, that contains the location coordinates from the JavaScript. My question is how do I access and manipulate those lat and lng values in AS3 using the ExternalInterface Class? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
You can't read the return value from javascript:getLatLong()
, to get data from JS to AS3 the old trick is to set the window.location
from JS, then in AS3 listen for the LOCATION_CHANGING
event and parse the data out of the changing location
, and event.preventDefault()
so the location doesn't actually change.
function sendLatLng() {
location.href = "?lat=" + lat +"&lng=" + lng;
webView.addEventListener(LocationChangeEvent.LOCATION_CHANGING, locationChanging);
function locationChanging(e:LocationChangeEvent):void {
var query:String = e.location.split("?")[1];
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(query);
trace(vars.lat, var.lng);
You can try the StageWebViewBridge library to help you with this.
You could also try using a Web View ANE that supports JS communication.