does httplib reuse TCP connections? [duplicate]

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-07 08:30:29


I'm using httplib to grab bunch of resources from a website and i want it at minimum cost, so i set 'Connection: keep-alive' HTTP header on my requests but i'm not sure it actually uses the same TCP connection for as many requests as the webserver allows.

i = 0
    while 1:
        i += 1
        print i
        con = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
        con.request("GET", "/x.css", headers={"Connection":" keep-alive"})
        result = con.getresponse()
        print result.reason, result.getheaders()

Is my implementation right? does keep-alive work? Should i put 'con = httplib.HTTPConnection("")' out of the loop?

P.S: the web server's response to keep-alive is ok, i'm aware of urllib3


your example creates a new TCP connection each time through the loops, so no, it will not reuse that connection.

How about this?

con = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
while True:
    con.request("GET", "/x.css", headers={"Connection":" keep-alive"})
    result = con.getresponse()
    print result.reason, result.getheaders()

also, if all you want is headers, you can use the HTTP HEAD method, rather than calling GET and discarding the content.


It certainly can't reuse the connection if you scrap the HTTPConnection object every time through the loop …

