I'd like to run a script, typically in PHP or MySQL since it involves changing a Mysql db table when an email arrives at my exchange server (2010).
The server holds IIS7.
So in short: Email->Exchange server->changes a table in MySQL DB
- Not looking for a script that connects to the e-mail via POP/imap
- I'm looking for a kind of trigger that occurs in the server
- Webservices or Transport Agent seem complicated If you can supply an easy example I'll accept it.
- If you have a Sink example that runs on Exchange 2010 please support it with careful explanation and examples/links. (step by step if you have to)
- Other scripting languages accepted.
Possibly not exactly what you are looking for but Postmark offer an incoming mail service that allows you to do this kind of thing.
Their API is pretty good and very well documented. My understanding is you can set up webhooks that will allow you to do what you're looking for.
I hope this is some use to you.