With Firebase Hosting, when you deploy an app you are asked whether to rewrite all urls to /index.html. This means react-router routes would be properly fired whether they are accessed directly or navigated to from the homepage.
We use Create-react-app and Create-react-app-buildpack to deploy to Heroku. How can we rewrite all the URLs to /index.html in the same manner?
Following this issue, explaining about the routes directive, I configured a static.json in the root to no avail:
"routes": {
"/images/*": "/images/",
"/legal/*": "/images/",
"/media/*": "/media/",
"/fav/*": "/fav/",
"/styles/*": "/styles/",
"/**": "index.html"
Create a static.json
file in the project root with the following content:
"root": "build/",
"routes": {
"/**": "index.html"
More here.