How can I decrypt something with PyCrypto that was encrypted using OpenSSL?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-07 05:56:25

You have three problems:

  1. You use AES256 (32 byte key) in OpenSSL and AES128 (16 byte key) in your python code.
  2. The IV computation is wrong. Each step in the OpenSSL's key derivation function uses the the MD5 digest computed last.
  3. You mix up binary and hexadecimal representation. Keep any conversion to hexadecimal as the last step, before visualization.

The following code should be correct:

from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from binascii import hexlify
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import MD5

secret = 'secret'
encoded = 'U2FsdGVkX1+4mP5A7IFV/VcgRs4ci/yupMErHjf5bkT5XrcowXK7z3VyyV1l2jvy'
encrypted = b64decode(encoded)
salt = encrypted[8:16]
data = encrypted[16:]

# We need 32 bytes for the AES key, and 16 bytes for the IV
def openssl_kdf(req):
    prev = ''
    while req>0:
        prev =
        req -= 16
        yield prev
mat = ''.join([ x for x in openssl_kdf(32+16) ])
key = mat[0:32]
iv  = mat[32:48]

dec =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
clear = dec.decrypt(data)

    salt_hex = ''.join(["%X" % ord(c) for c in salt])
    print 'salt:     %s' % salt_hex
    print 'expected: %s' % 'B898FE40EC8155FD'
    print 'key:      %s' % hexlify(key).upper()
    print 'expected: %s' % '4899E518743EB0584B0811AE559ED8AD9F0B5FA31B0B998FEB8453B8E3A7B36C'
    print 'iv:       %s' % hexlify(iv).upper()
    print 'expected: %s' % 'EFA6105F30F6C462B3D135725A6E1618'
    print 'result:   %s' % clear
except UnicodeDecodeError:
    print 'decryption failed'