Error when running PHPUnit

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-07 03:54:24


I get the following error when I try to run phpunit . from within my project's tests folder:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method PHP_CodeCoverage_Filter::getInstance() in /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Framework.php on line 46

I installed PHPUnit via these commands:

sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit

As none of the other methods seem to work, including apt-get.

I think CodeCoverage changed their singleton pattern at some point in time and hence removed getInstance but I don't know how to fix this error. How can I either downgrade CodeCoverage or upgrade PHPUnit?

I tried manually installing the latest versions of everything via the following commands:

sudo apt-get install git
mkdir phpunit && cd phpunit
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
sudo cp -r dbunit/PHPUnit /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r php-code-coverage/PHP /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r php-file-iterator/File /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r php-invoker/PHP /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r php-text-template/Text /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r php-timer/PHP /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r php-token-stream/PHP /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r phpunit/PHPUnit /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r phpunit-mock-objects/PHPUnit /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r phpunit-selenium/PHPUnit /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r phpunit-story/PHPUnit /usr/share/php/
sudo cp -r phpunit/phpunit.php /usr/share/php/

But that didn't help any. Now I just have a bunch of junk all over the place :\

Version info:

PEAR Version: 1.9.4
PHP Version: 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.3
Zend Engine Version: 2.3.0
PHPUnit 3.6.9 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Installed packages, channel
Package            Version State
File_Iterator      1.3.1   stable
PHPUnit            3.6.9   stable
PHPUnit_MockObject 1.1.1   stable
PHP_CodeCoverage   1.1.1   stable
PHP_Invoker        1.1.0   stable
PHP_Timer          1.0.2   stable
PHP_TokenStream    1.1.2   stable
Text_Template      1.1.1   stable


you can try this, I have done it on my Ubuntu 12.04

  1. sudo pear uninstall phpunit/PHPUnit
  2. sudo pear uninstall
  3. sudo pear install
  4. sudo pear install --alldeps

I have tried many other methods. This works when I get the error blow.

hegaofeng@ubuntu:~$ phpunit PHP Warning: require_once(PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Autoload.php): failed to open >?>stream: No such file or directory in /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Autoload.php on line 48 PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required >'PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Autoload.php' >(include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Autoload.php on >line 48 hegaofeng@ubuntu:~$ cd /usr/share/php/


I've had issues when not using the actual channel to install PHPUnit, especially when trying to use a package manager like apt-get or yum. Try removing all the manually installed stuff you pulled from the git repository and do a pear uninstall of PHPUnit and its optional dependencies. Then:

  • sudo pear upgrade PEAR
  • sudo pear config-set auto_discover 1
  • sudo pear install --alldeps

This has worked for me ... hope it helps.


It probably goes without saying, but you should also purge your previous apt-get attempts as well before following the steps above:

  • sudo apt-get purge php5-pear


Manual Installation for Ubuntu 11.10

mkdir phpunit && cd phpunit
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
cd phpunit && git checkout 3.6 && cd ..
cd dbunit && git checkout 1.1 && cd ..
cd php-code-coverage && git checkout 1.1 && cd ..
cd phpunit-mock-objects && git checkout 1.1 && cd ..
cd phpunit-selenium && git checkout 1.1 && cd ..
sudo mv ./* /usr/share/php/
ln -s /usr/share/php/phpunit/phpunit.php ~/bin/phpunit
gksudo gedit /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

Add the following to your include_path:



Open /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Framework.php and you will see this:

    'Please no longer include "PHPUnit/Framework.php".', E_USER_NOTICE

That's all! Please no longer include "PHPUnit/Framework.php"!!!


Before installing PHPUnit on your system, clear pear's cache

pear clear-cache

From what i have seen, maybe you haven't integrated PHPUnit with your project. You don't need to only install PHPUnit using PEAR, i believe the files you need are not in the project.

