Selecting all empty text fields in Jquery

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-07 02:48:46


How can I find all text fields that have an empty value?


gives a JavaScript error

I know I can do $(":text"), iterate through and return all fields with $(this).val()==''

I am looking for a cleaner method and using JQuery 1.3.1 It has to work if the element originally had a value when the page was loaded, and then the user cleared it. ($("#elem").attr('value') gives the original value in that place, though .val() works properly)


Latest Answer: Upgrade to 1.3.2

Here are various tests I ran via FireBug on

Different jQuery versions are switched in at page-load with special greasemonkey scripts.

>>> jQuery.prototype.jquery
>>> jQuery(":text[value='']")
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'text'.
>>> jQuery(":text[value=]").get()

>>> jQuery.prototype.jquery
>>> jQuery(":text[value='']")
Syntax error, unrecognized expression: value='']
>>> jQuery(":text[value=]").get()

>>> jQuery.prototype.jquery
>>> jQuery(":text[value='']");
Object length=1 prevObject=Object context=document
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'text'.
[Break on this error] undefined
>>> jQuery(":text[value=]").get()

Note that 1.3 and 1.3.2 handle it properly ( albeit with Firefox sending an error ) but they still get the node right.

Alternatively: you could use the :text[value=] notation, which appears to work everywhere I tried it. Its just a bit suspect thats all.

( Ignore my Previous rantings, they're all bollocks, not having a good day -_-)


I've just tried this and worked fine for me:


I just removed single quotes in selector.


You were close. There's no assignment in jQuery selectors, so you only need a single '=':



This seems to work for me



The following code does this:

  1. Searches the form for inputfields and textareas
  2. Checks if the text value is empty or not
  3. gives the textfield/textarea a black background-color to prove this works

    $('form').find("input[type=text], input[type=password], textarea").each(function(ev)


Shot in the dark as I haven't tested it, but does this work:


