Newer Delphi versions (including Delphi 2007, which I'm using) have a build in file history feature, which lets you revert to old files from within the IDE. That's nice, but I already have source control. Is it possible to disable this feature?
I ask because the IDE auto-creates a \history folder with old versions of all your files, and that annoys me.
Tools \ Options \ Editor Options \
Uncheck "Create Backup Files"
I believe you can go into the registry:
D2007: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\BDS\5.0\Known IDE Packages
D2009: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CodeGear\BDS\6.0\Known IDE Packages
and delete the appropriate key:
I'm sure that worked for me and I seem to recall that was all that was needed. I tend not to bother now though and just leave it in. Tell SVN to ignore the history folders. Any Delphi update does seem to put it back too.
I don't believe you can. If you go to
Tools \ Options \ Editor Options \ File backup limit
Which is where controls how many files it backs up, the minimum is 1, which would still create the history folder.
Maybe you could setup an MSBuild event to clear it out or some other house keeping task.
IIRC Delphi Distiller has an option to keep it from creating History folders. I don't actually have it on my current system, though, so I can't check. But you might want to check it out.
DDevExtension by Andreas Hausladen has a feature to remove __history directories.