R: rollapplyr and lm factor error: Does rollapplyr change variable class?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-06 19:25:29

rollapply passes a matrix to the function so only pass the numeric columns. Using rolled from my prior answer and the setup in that question:

do.call("rbind", by(dat[c("x", "y")], dat[c("w", "z")], rolled))


Another way to do it is to perform the rollapply over the row indexes instead of over the data frame itself. In this example we have also added the conditioning variables as extra output columns:

rolli <- function(ix) {
   data.frame(coef = rollapplyr(ix, width = 6, function(ix) { 
         coef(lm(y ~ x, data = dat, subset = ix))[2]
      }, by = 3), w = dat$w[ix][1], z = dat$z[ix][1])
do.call("rbind", by(1:nrow(dat), dat[c("w", "z")], rolli))