I try to load an include in a "layoutUnit" via "commandLink" but nothing is displayed but if i refreshes the page all is correct.
the commandLink :
<p:commandLink update=":center" actionListener="#{sidePviewTest.sideBarAction}" value="Center1">
<f:param name="pageViewId" value="center1" />
the layoutUnit :
<p:layoutUnit id="center" position="center">
<ui:include src="#{sidePviewTest.includedPage}" />
I do not understand what the problem is. Any ideas ?
JSF 2.1 PrimeFaces 3.5
I found how to display correctly the content. I added a panel and I refreshes it instead of the layout.
<p:commandLink update=":myPanel" actionListener="#{sidePviewTest.sideBarAction}" value="Center1">
<f:param name="pageViewId" value="center1" />
<p:layoutUnit id="center" position="center">
<p:panel id="myPanel">
<ui:include src="#{sidePviewTest.includedPage}" />