How to access Safari history from iPhone App using Private Frameworks

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-06 16:34:02

You can't access the Safari History. Apps are sandboxed.

If this is for an in-house app, then you might be able to jailbreak the phones and figure out a way around the sandboxing.


see this SO link: how-to-access-iphone-safari-history-in-an-app

We can find the history.plist in /var/mobile/Media/Safari/ and this we can read in jailbreaken iPhone.


I think you need a good web developer who will create the web page in such a way so that you can communicate with javascript and get the message you want to get. And for dumping the framework I think you should get with uikit+ webkit framework.

I hacked my framework by using this link - I hope this will help to you .
