i am fetching users fb newfeed and i wanted get check wether user has liked the post or not by using user_likes and the problem is that the following code wont return anything :
$getlike = $facebook->api("/fql?q=SELECT like_info FROM stream WHERE post_id=" . $id);
$checklike = $getlike['data'][0]['like_info']['user_likes'];
here is the complete file: testone.php the problem is that the fql and calling user_likes wont return anything. i want to check wether user has liked the post already OR how can i get the value for user_likes.
JSON from fb :
"data": [
"like_info": {
"can_like": true,
"like_count": 70,
"user_likes": false
is my technique right?do i need access code or something?
If you are getting the value of $getlike
, you can check the value of user_likes
like this (since it is of type boolean)-
echo "true";
echo "false";