I am trying to install ruby 1.9.3 using this guide: http://www.moncefbelyamani.com/how-to-install-xcode-homebrew-git-rvm-ruby-on-mac/.
When I run rvm install 1.9.3
I get this error
Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.
No binary rubies available for: osx/10.8/x86_64/ruby-1.9.3-p392.
Continuing with compilation. Please read 'rvm mount' to get more information on binary rubies.
Installing requirements for osx, might require sudo password.
Skipping `brew update` make sure your formulas are up to date.
Cowardly refusing to continue, please read 'rvm autolibs'.
Then I run brew update
, I get
Already up-to-date.
Also I tried running brew doctor
, and I get
Your system is raring to brew.
What is wrong? How do I fix this??
I had the same problem and this worked for me:
\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails --autolibs=enabled
rvm list known
If that returns nothing, or doesn't include the ruby version you're looking for try to update
rvm get stable
Then try to install the ruby version you want again.