Javascript - Which event to use for multiselect change

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-06 15:41:51

I use the same kind of timeout you want on key events, to detect when the user have finished typing, the same approach can be used on your problem:

// helper function
var timeout = (function(){
  var timer = 0;
  return function(callback, ms){
    clearTimeout (timer);
    timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);


// YUI 2
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oElement, "change", function () {
  timeout(function () {
    // one second since the last selection change
  }, 1000);

// YUI 3
Y.on("click", function () {
  timeout(function () {
    // one second since the last selection change
  }, 1000);
}, oElement);

Basically in this timeout function, I reset the timer if the function is called before the specified delay.

you could run a setTimeout after the onChange event and keep track of a number of changes to determine whether or not a change had been made since the event was fired. if no changes were made within that time, then the query could be sent.

e.g., something like:

var changes = 0;

function myOnChangeHandler(e)
  var local_change = changes;

  setTimeout(function() { 
    if (local_change === changes) {
  }, 500);