Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/SpringDispatcher-servlet.xml]

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-06 15:10:28

Spring is looking SpringDispatcher-servlet.xml in your web project and as it is unable to find it, it is throwing an exception.

You can override the dispatcher servlet xml file like this - providing blank arguments.


When you define Dispatcher servlet in web.xml spring expects Web application context name as Disptacherservletname-servlet.xml under /WEB-INF/ . In your case it should be SpringDispatcher-servlet.xml not mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml

Or you can use contextConfigLocation parameter to follow your own naming conventions.


In your web.xml you have define the servlet to be



therefore, you nee to create a file named SpringDispatcher-servlet.xml inside your WEB-INF folder. This is just how it works. If you change the servlet-name to be dispatcher then the file name should be dispatcher-servlet.xml.

Your SpringDispatcher-servlet.xml contains the definitions of your spring context. Take a look on this tutorial.
