Docker container internal vs external dns resolution issue using Traefik

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-06 15:08:48

For full details on how to solve this:

Basically - DNSMasq was working great, Mac Docker Desktop DNS mapping was working great. I could query for my service domain name (e.g. service1.test) dig service1.test1 and get back which is exactly what I set up in DNSMasq. So my domain name was returning the correct IP address for my host. Except - I was getting this inside my container - so was referring to my container environment.

Running the following command on the Mac host level in a terminal:

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

added an alias for that I could use in DNSMasq instead of that would still map to my localhost but it would also work for routing from my docker containers.

Now I can use local domains on my Mac for local development in Docker and get to my containers from my host AND via inter-container requests.
