Difficulty getting depth of face landmark points from 2D regions on iPhone X (SceneKit/ARKit app)

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-06 14:27:53

You're using ARFaceTrackingConfiguration, correct? In that case, the featurePoint hit test type won't help you, because feature points are part of world tracking, not face tracking... in fact, just about all the ARKit hit testing machinery is specific to world tracking, and not useful to face tracking.

What you can do instead is make use of the face mesh (ARFaceGeometry) and face pose tracking (ARFaceAnchor) to work your way from a 2D image point to a 3D world-space (or camera-space) point. There's at least a couple paths you could go down for that:

  1. If you're already using SceneKit, you can use SceneKit's hit testing instead of ARKit's. (That is, you're hit testing against "virtual" geometry modeled in SceneKit, not against a sparse estimate of the real-world environment modeled by ARKit. In this case, the "virtual" geometry of the face mesh comes into SceneKit via ARKit.) That is, you want ARSCNView.hitTest(_:options:) (inherited from SCNSceneRenderer), not hitTest(_:types:). Of course, this means you'll need to be using ARSCNFaceGeometry to visualize the face mesh in your scene, and ARSCNView's node/anchor mapping to make it track the face pose (though if you want the video image to show through, you can make the mesh transparent) — otherwise the SceneKit hit test won't have any SceneKit geometry to find.

  2. If you're not using SceneKit, or for some reason can't put the face mesh into your scene, you have all the information you need to reconstruct a hit test against the face mesh. ARCamera has view and projection matrices that tell you the relationship of your 2D screen projection to 3D world space, ARFaceAnchor tells you where the face is in world space, and ARFaceGeometry tells you where each point is on the face — so it's just a bunch of math to get from a screen point to a face-mesh point and vice versa.
