Error loading module undefined symbol: luaL_setfuncs

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-06 14:09:38

Never use -llua when building Lua modules. The Lua interpreter itself is already linked with liblua and satisfies those symbols when the module is loaded. Linking your module against liblua is clashing with the interpreter.

I think I found the problem (not yet the solution): Mysql-proxy runs internally an embended lua library.

mysql-proxy -V

gives as result

mysql-proxy 0.8.1
  chassis: mysql-proxy 0.8.1
  glib2: 2.30.2
  libevent: 2.0.19-stable
  LUA: Lua 5.1.4
    package.path: /usr/lib/mysql-proxy/lua/?.lua
    package.cpath: /usr/lib/mysql-proxy/lua/?.so
-- modules
  admin: 0.8.1
  proxy: 0.8.1

So I am running the wrong lua version. I think that this explains the luaL_setfuncs error. I have seen that even the 0.8.4 version includes this version of lua, so I will have to rewrite the C library.

the final code of the module ends like this (and runs!!!):

static const struct luaL_Reg my_luacall[] = {
    {"trasnquery", trasnquery},
    {"fun2", function_2},
    {NULL, NULL}

int luaopen_luacall(lua_State* l)
    luaL_register(l, "luacall", my_luacall);
    return 1;