Adding Sheet Names to Array in Excel VBA

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-06 13:45:52

You should change ReDim ArraySheets(x) to ReDim Preserve ArraySheets(x)

When you use just ReDim the contents of the array are not kept, which is why you only get the final sheet name. Using ReDim Preserve re-sizes the array while keeping the contents.

Without loops

Sub GetNAmes()
Dim strIn As String
Dim X

strIn = Application.InputBox("Search string", "Enter string to find", "*List*", , , , , 2)
If strIn = "False" Then Exit Sub

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add "shtNames", "=RIGHT(GET.WORKBOOK(1),LEN(GET.WORKBOOK(1))-FIND(""]"",GET.WORKBOOK(1)))"
X = Filter([index(shtNames,)], strIn, True, 1)

Select Case UBound(X)
    Case Is > 0
        strIn = Application.InputBox(Join(X, Chr(10)), "Multiple matches found - type position to select", , , , , 1)
        If strIn = "False" Then Exit Sub
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
    Case 0
    Case Else
        MsgBox "No match"
End Select

End Sub