How important is it to use SSL on every page of your website? [closed]

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-06 13:21:13

I would take the bulk of the site off HTTPS with some exceptions of course:

  1. Any checkout or account editing screens.
  2. Any screens that would display "sensitive" information.

To deal with the session hijacking issue, I would add another layer of authentication where you prompt them for their username and password again at checkout or whenever they try to view/update account information - basicly whenever you make a transition from http to https.

Here's the issue, and why banks are still horribly vulnerable: their landing page is HTTP, so it can be man-in-the-middled. Then they have a link to the login, and the login page is HTTPS.

So if you go directly to the login page, you can't be Man-in-the-Middled. But if you go to the homepage/landing page, since I control that, I'm going to rewrite the login page link to be HTTP. Then I'll do a SSL handshake with the login page, and send you (the user) the insecure version. So now you're (the user) doing all your sensitive transactions - and the server thinks it's HTTPS - and I'm in the middle doing shenanigans.

This is a very hard problem to solve completely because it goes all the way down to the DNS level on the server-side, and all the way down to default actions in browsers on the client-side.

As a content provider, you could try putting in javascript to check that the secure areas of your site are being accessed securely (and hope that I, as a cracker, don't remove that js before forwarding it). You can also include your happy "Please make sure this site is accessed via https" banners.

As a user, NoScript has an option to make sure sites are in HTTPS.

There's a new technology (I believe it's a marker on DNS entries maybe?) not supported by all clients/servers that lets a server opt in and say it is only accessible via HTTPS and to die a fiery death if it's being MITM-ed. I can't for the life of me recall or able to find it on google though...

Yes, I would just use SSL to secure important elements such as input fields, passwords, etc. I believe that's what most sites do, including online banking sites.
