I have the following data.frame, "subset"
Time A B C
2016-10-07 06:16:46 NA NA 41
2016-10-07 06:26:27 40 39 42
2016-10-07 06:38:23 NA 40 NA
2016-10-07 06:41:06 42 42 44
2016-10-07 06:41:06 NA 42 44
2016-10-07 06:41:06 NA 42 44
2016-10-07 06:41:07 44 43 48
2016-10-07 06:41:41 NA 43 48
2016-10-07 06:42:44 45 42 48
2016-10-07 06:48:40 46 45 48
I would like to have a plot where "Time" is the x-axis, "A" is a line and "B" and "C" are points.
However, when i plot this, the only line that appears for "A" is the one connecting the last 2 dots (45 and 46), because these are the only 2 consecutive values in "A". The plot ignores the NAs between the values of "A" instead of potting a line connecting these values through the NAs. To do so, I use the following code:
I have tried solutions such as na.omit() or na.approx(), however these seem to work only if I would plot "A" separately in a stand-alone plot, they do not seem to work in conjunction with "Time" and "B" and "C" all in the same plot.
You could work with indices instead of na.omit()
: something like this should do it:
# with your xlim and ylim, of course
Try this:
xlim <- range(subset$Time)
ylim <- range(subset[-1], na.rm = TRUE)
plot(A ~ Time, na.omit(subset[1:2]), type = "l", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
points(B ~ Time, subset, col = 27)
points(C ~ Time, subset, col = 134)
Another possibility is to use the subset=
argument of plot
in which case we replace the plot
line above with:
ok <- ! is.na(subset$A)
plot(A ~ Time, subset, subset = ok, type = "l", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
In either case we get this graphic: