Appengine Modules Maven Error during DevSever Goal Run

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-06 11:54:13


i have been trying to run a new project with modules support, but am getting following error all the time, unable to debug it, reportConfigException [INFO] INFO: Application directory 'path-to-project/DemoEar-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/DemoWarApp' must exist and be a directory.

my module structure is below

main application.xml contains


its clearly not pointing to the proper war folder path. does anyone know how to fix it?



The bundle folder that is created must match the web-uri in your application.xml. So, you either change the bundle folder name with bundleFileName in the maven-ear-plugin


or you change the web-uri to {module-name}-{version} every time to match the created bundle folder name.

I would recommend a version independent bundle bundleFileName (that is the same as your web-uri) so you don't have to bother with it when the version changes.

Complete ear plugin snippet:


