Accessing Private iOS Apis, How to? [closed]

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-06 11:43:50

What you are doing is syntactically almost correct.

The only issue is that in your category declaration you are using int instead of float. You might try and change this and see if things improve but I suspect the problem lies elsewhere.

With private API, no description is available about the way its methods should be used. So, maybe you are calling a method at the wrong time or in the wrong context. Possibly inspecting the crash log could give some insights.

One more thing, looking at your crash: possibly the fact that it is crashing is because the exposureMode you set is not supported. Try and use (ref):

- (BOOL)isExposureModeSupported:(AVCaptureExposureMode)exposureMode

to check it before hand (if your are not doing it already).
