What permissions are required for a Release Management 2013 vNext release using Powershell

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-06 10:30:47

Some background information: Rather than just executing your Powershell deployment script against the target server using PSRemoting, it uses PSRemoting to install a Windows Service (VisualStudioRemoteDeployer.exe) on the target server. This service then runs your deployment script locally, and the MSRM server regularly polls this Windows service (see here) to see if it is finished deploying.

I suspect this strange setup has something to do with avoiding the double-hop issue - so that it allows your script to make a 2nd hop from the target server to another server, e.g. for a webservice call.

So you'll need enough permissions to install that Windows service, and according to this post, that means administrative permissions.
