How can I get events when the Dock is showing or hiding?
You can get a notification if the dock is visible or not using Carbon. I do not know of any way to do it in Cocoa.
(I haven't tested this; it's from the code here)
Create your callback method:
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
static const EventTypeSpec appEvents[] = {
{ kEventClassApplication, kEventAppSystemUIModeChanged }
OSStatus DockChangedHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef event, void *userData) {
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr;
switch(GetEventClass(event)) {
case kEventClassApplication: {
SystemUIMode *outMode;
SystemUIOptions *outOptions;
GetSystemUIMode(outMode, outOptions);
status = noErr;
/*Insert whatever you want to do when you're notified of a dock change*/
return status;
And then put this wherever you want to start listening for the notification:
InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(DockChangedHandler), GetEventTypeCount(appEvents), appEvents, 0, NULL);
Further information: