I have this problem. I am building a social website and I have to create posts in two columns. The parent container is a section, instead the elements "post" are articles that have as their style float: left. How do I let slip to the post of the empty space that creates under those shorter?
there is no good solution in css yet. this is typically called a masonry or pinterest layout. use jquery.
try... http://masonry.desandro.com/
or google 'masonry layout plugin'
This basic JavaScript function might be of help. It uses jQuery:
function structurePosts(holder){
var nextColumn = $('.col-append').next('div');
} else {
You would call it like:
It basically just iterates through each contained element with a class of post-item
and puts them into columns that have a class of post-column
It would require a HTML structure as follows:
<div class="posts-columns">
<div class="post-col col-append"></div>
<div class="post-col"></div>
<div class="post-col"></div>
<div id="container-with-posts">
<div class="post-item> <!-- Post content here --> </div>
<div class="post-item> <!-- Post content here --> </div>
Of course you'd need to then add styling to suit, or modify the markup and code to match your CSS