CAQuietExec Command string must begin with quoted application name

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-06 08:47:51

You schedule your custom action as immediate, but you try to run a file which should be installed by your installer. Here comes the conflict: immediate CA run BEFORE the files are installed, 'cause this happens in deferred sequence.

I would recommend you to get acquainted with Installation Phases and In-Script Execution Options for Custom Actions in Windows Installer article first.

I had tried ""mo23rt.exe"" and "'mo23rt.exe'", shame on me for not trying '"mo23rt.exe"'. Something else is still wrong but it might be what's mentioned above, or it might be I'm trying to run something that is trying to put up a status bar dialog and is not really that quiet.

I changed it to a regular custom action vice CAQuiet.

<CustomAction Id="InstallMapObjects" FileKey="Mo23rtEXE" ExeCommand="/ACDJKLM" Execute="commit"/> 

followed by 

  <Custom Action="InstallMapObjects" Before="InstallFinalize">NOT Installed</Custom>