SoapServer maps functions incorectly when the wsdl messages have the same part name

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-06 08:29:34

You can change the binding style in your wsdl from 'document' to 'rpc'.

First I thought it is a cache problem as your posted server code above does not contains the ini_set() to disabled the cache. But is isn't a cache problem.

Having traced http traffic. Client seems working porperly it is a SoapServer problem. (Like you mentioned).. Further investigating ...

A bug report has already been filed - although it is currently unclear if it is a bug.

Workarounds are mentioned in the bug report too. You can change the binding style to rpc if this is ok for you:


<soap:binding style="document"


<soap:binding style="rpc"

This workaround works for me. You will find a very interesting article on how binding styles work here. This may help you to decide whether rpc binding style is ok for you or not.
