ActiveRecord search returns 'Syntax error or access violation' error

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-06 07:26:01
Dmitry Dedov

You used key for column name, which is a reserved word in MySQL. Yii uses table alias in queries, but does not take any special care in case of reserverd word used as columns names. So, you have to take care of this by yourself.

For example:

$etona = new SiteConfigurationRecord();
$crit = new CDbCriteria();
$crit->select = "value";
$crit->condition = "t.key=:key"; // 't' is default alias
$crit->params = array(":key"=>"sitename");
$etona = $etona->find($crit);

This should solve your problem.

As @Dmitry explained, SQL doesn't allow you to use the column name key. The Yii call in the code in your answer works because Yii performs parameter binding automatically, using names other than reserved words for the parameters. And it also uses fully-qualified column names (prefixes all column name references with <tablename>., regardless of what invalid column name (reserved words) you pass the findByAttributes method.

now it works.. ^^

i just use this code...

$etona = SiteConfigurationRecord::model()->findByAttributes(array('key'=>'sitename'));

maybe i need to study activerecord more somehow...

but still i don't know why the code above doesn't work
