I need to export\transfer options (such as DataSource to MySQL) to other PC\server. How to do it correctly?
I had tried to copy and rename standalone.xml and run it on other PC by following command:
./standalone.sh --server-config=standalone-(full)-myProject.xml
Is it right way?
And next problem - how export installed module (in WildFly) for MySQL correctly? I installed it like this (as module) at my machine http://hpehl.info/jdbc-driver-setup.html
I would strongly encourage you to use the jboss-cli to run this instead. Copying the files will work but I would argue that it's better to have a repeatable process.
To add a datasource, you'd run the following. Since you're using WildFly 9, it can be a bit simpler. Put the following commands in a file - for example, db_setup.txt. Then run $WILDFLY_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh --file=db_setup.txt
. The file will contain something like the following:
embed-server --std-out=echo --server-config=standalone.xml
module add --name=com.mysql.driver --resources=/path/to/mysql-connector-java-5.1.33.jar --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api
WARNING - I have not fully tested these commands so they may require a bit of tweaking. But the concepts are there.
The one issue you'll have is that, during testing, the jboss-cli.sh command will just exit if there is an error. You may want a file to remove these too:
module remove --name=com.mysql.driver