x86_64 - Self-modifying code performance

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-06 05:56:02

There's a difference between code that's simply not yet cached, vs. code that modifies instructions that are already speculatively in-flight (fetched, maybe decoded, maybe even sitting in the scheduler and re-order buffer in the out-of-order core). Writes to memory that's already being looked at as instructions by the CPU cause it to fall back to very slow operation. This is what's usually meant by self-modifying code. Avoiding this slowdown even when JIT-compiling is not too hard. Just don't jump to your buffer until after it's all written.

Modified once a week means you might have a one microsecond penalty once a week, if you do it wrong. It's true that frequently-used data is less likely to be evicted from the cache (that's why reading something multiple times is more likely to make it "stick"), but the self-modifying-code pipeline-flush should only apply the very first time, if you encounter it at all. After that, the cache lines being executed are in prob. still hot in L1 I-cache (and uop cache), if the 2nd run happens without much intervening code. It's not still in a modified state in L1 D-cache.

I forget if http://agner.org/optimize/ talks about self-modifying code and JIT. Even if not, you should read Agner's guides if you're writing anything in ASM. Some of the stuff in the main "optimizing asm" is getting out of date and not really relevant for Sandybridge and later Intel CPUs, though. Alignment / decode issues are less of an issue thanks to the uop cache, and alignment issues can be different for SnB-family microarches.

"The next time" is probably not the case; caching algorithms take into account accesses beyond the first one (not doing so would be rather naive). However, soon after the first few accesses the penalty should be gone. ("Few" might be two or thousands, but for a computer even a million is nothing.)

Even the code that is currently executing was written into memory at some point (perhaps even recently due to paging), so it experiences similar penalties initially, but that quickly dies down too, so you need not worry.
