I downloaded HDP 2.1 from hortonworks for virtualbox. I got the following error when using Hbase shell in case simple command: create 't1', {NAME=> 'f1', VERSIONS => 5}
Hortonworks “ERROR: Can't get master address from ZooKeeper; znode data == null”
What do I need to do to get hbase working in this sandbox environment?
In hortonwork sandbox you have to manually start hbase.
Try to run the following command (as root user),
su hbase - -c "/usr/lib/hbase/bin/hbase-daemon.sh --config /etc/hbase/conf start master; sleep 20"
su hbase - -c "/usr/lib/hbase/bin/hbase-daemon.sh --config /etc/hbase/conf start regionserver"
then run "jps" (as root user too).
if you see "HMaster" and "HRegionServer", your hbase is now on.
"hbase shell" again to see if it works.
It seems you did not start or even configured HBase in the VM. go into the ambari management console and install/activate HBase
I have faced same problem in my system:
Root cause: its due to when creating table its point to HDFS namenode (port 9000) Connection refused problem
I just formatted the namenode also check connectivity to port 9000 (but its not good in production real time)
$hadoop namenode format
after that #start-all.sh
Start habse shell
Problem will resolve.
Had same issue, solved by restarting HBase server manually from the browser.
in my case,I forget to start ZooKeeper first,
./zkServer.sh start
so I start the ZooKeeper and then restart the hbase: