How to clean HornetQ messaging journal before/after performing a test?

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-06 05:12:42

This does not exist in the JMS API itself, but there's a method 'removeMessages(filter)' in the HornetQ QueueControl management object. This method can be found in the JMX Bean for the Queue, but I wouldn't know how to get that in Arquillian.

Luckily, you can invoke management operations via the '' queue. See In practice, the following should work:

     Queue managementQueue = HornetQJMSClient.createQueue("");
     QueueRequestor requestor = new QueueRequestor(session, managementQueue);
     Message m = session.createMessage();
     Message reply = requestor.request(m);
     boolean success = JMSManagementHelper.hasOperationSucceeded(reply);

If you're restarting the server, you could remove the paging and data folders (while keeping the bindings).
