Retrieve Data From Dynamic mpld3 plot in python

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-06 05:02:00

Here is a medium-sized example of retrieving data from an mpld3 plot that I use to place call-outs on graphs. The simple approach to getting the data is to put it in a browser prompt:

function save_callouts(callouts) { function callout_py(d) { return "plt.text(" + d.x + ", " + d.y + ", '" + d.s + "', va='center')\n" + "plt.plot([" + d.x1 + ", " + d.x2 + "], [" + d.y1 + ", " + d.y2 + "], 'k-')\n" } prompt("Copy code to generate callouts:","\n")); }

There might be slicker ways to accomplish this, but prompt followed by copy-and-paste on the user's part gets the job done.
