define breaks for hist2d in R

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-06 04:49:51

Revise the "hist2d" as follows

hist2d_range<-function (x, y = NULL, nbins = 200, same.scale = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE,
show = TRUE, col = c("black", heat.colors(12)), FUN = base::length,
xlab, ylab,range=NULL, ...)
if (is.null(y)) {
if (ncol(x) != 2)
    stop("If y is ommitted, x must be a 2 column matirx")
y <- x[, 2]
x <- x[, 1]
if (length(nbins) == 1)
nbins <- rep(nbins, 2)
nas <- |
if (na.rm) {
x <- x[!nas]
y <- y[!nas]
else stop("missinig values not permitted if na.rm=FALSE")
if (same.scale) {
       x.cuts <- seq(from = min(x, y), to = max(x, y), length = nbins[1] +
       y.cuts <- seq(from = min(x, y), to = max(x, y), length = nbins[2] +

       x.cuts <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = nbins[1] + 1)
           y.cuts <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = nbins[1] + 1)


else {
x.cuts <- seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), length = nbins[1] +
y.cuts <- seq(from = min(y), to = max(y), length = nbins[2] +
index.x <- cut(x, x.cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
index.y <- cut(y, y.cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
m <- tapply(x, list(index.x, index.y), FUN)
if (identical(FUN, base::length))
m[] <- 0
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- deparse(substitute(xlab))
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- deparse(substitute(ylab))
if (show)
image(x.cuts, y.cuts, m, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
midpoints <- function(x) (x[-1] + x[-length(x)])/2
retval <- list()
retval$counts <- m
retval$x.breaks = x.cuts
retval$y.breaks = y.cuts
retval$x = midpoints(x.cuts)
retval$y = midpoints(y.cuts)
retval$nobs = length(x)
retval$call <-
class(retval) <- "hist2d"

This function has an additional argument "range". The revised point is as follows.

       x.cuts <- seq(from = min(x, y), to = max(x, y), length = nbins[1] +
       y.cuts <- seq(from = min(x, y), to = max(x, y), length = nbins[2] +

       x.cuts <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = nbins[1] + 1)
           y.cuts <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = nbins[1] + 1)


I changed the code a little bit and this version should work the with explicitly defining the breaks for both axes. First you have to load the function. Then you can give the x.breaks and y.breaks options with x.breaks=seq(0,10,0.1). If same.scale is true, you only need x.breaks The return value addionaly contains the number of bins and the relative counts. Also, you can include a legend if wanted, by setting legend=TRUE. For that you need to have the package Fields

hist2d_breaks = function (x, y = NULL, nbins = 200,same.scale = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE, 
                    show = TRUE, col = c("black", heat.colors(12)), FUN = base::length, 
                    xlab, ylab,x.breaks,y.breaks, ...) 
  if (is.null(y)) {
  if (ncol(x) != 2) 
      stop("If y is ommitted, x must be a 2 column matirx")
    y <- x[, 2]
    x <- x[, 1]
  if (length(nbins) == 1) 
    nbins <- rep(nbins, 2)
  nas <- |
  if (na.rm) {
    x <- x[!nas]
    y <- y[!nas]
  else stop("missinig values not permitted if na.rm=FALSE")
    x.cuts = x.breaks;
    y.cuts = x.breaks;
    x.cuts <- x.breaks
    y.cuts <- y.breaks   

  index.x <- cut(x, x.cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
  index.y <- cut(y, y.cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
  m <- tapply(x, list(index.x, index.y), FUN)
  if (identical(FUN, base::length)) 
    m[] <- 0
  if (missing(xlab)) 
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(xlab))
  if (missing(ylab)) 
    ylab <- deparse(substitute(ylab))
  if (show){
      image.plot(x.cuts, y.cuts, m, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
      image(x.cuts, y.cuts, m, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
  midpoints <- function(x) (x[-1] + x[-length(x)])/2
  retval <- list()
  retval$counts <- m
  retval$counts_rel <- m/max(m)  
  retval$x.breaks = x.cuts
  retval$y.breaks = y.cuts
  retval$x = midpoints(x.cuts)
  retval$y = midpoints(y.cuts)
  retval$nobs = length(x)
  retval$bins = c(length(x.cuts),length(y.cuts))
  retval$call <-
  class(retval) <- "hist2d"

The call of (my data) then brings the following: hist2d_breaks(df,x.breaks=seq(0,10,1),y.breaks=seq(-10,10,1),legend=TRUE) brings up the following plot 2D Histogram with breaks
