XPath search based on dynamic regular expressions

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-06 04:37:10

The following XPath 2.0 expression expresses the required selection:

  /*/*/*[From[matches($pPat, replace(., '\*', '.*'))]]


  1. The $pPat variable contains the search pattern (such as 'EBAY', 'AMAZON', etc.).

  2. The standard XPath 2.0 function matches() is used to match the value of any From element to the string pattern.

  3. The value of any From element is converted to a standard regular expression as supported by XPath 2.0. For this purpose, any occurence of '*' (escaped as "\*" in order not to be taken as the special char '*' used in regexs but as a normal character) is replaced by the string ".*"


I have used the following XSLT 2.0 transformation and verified that the above XPath 2.0 expression selects the elements as expected. To use it, replace the value of the global parameter $pPat with any desired value.

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
    <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>

    <xsl:param name="pPat" as="xs:string"

    <xsl:variable name="vsrchResult" as="element()*"
     select="/*/*/*[From[matches($pPat, replace(., '\*', '.*'))]]"/>

    <xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:copy-of select="$vsrchResult"/>

When this transformation is applied on the originally-provided XML document:

        <Destination name="DEST1" >
        <Destination name="DEST2" >
        <Destination name="DEST3" >
        <Destination name="DEST4" >

the required output is produced:

<Destination name="DEST1">
        </Destination><Destination name="DEST2">
        </Destination><Destination name="DEST4">