Android Multi Touch

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-06 04:18:24

Your code works well on my device (Nexus S, Android 2.3). It reads all touches.

Here is the test code:

  public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
    int num = e.getPointerCount();
    for (int a = 0; a < num; a++) {
      int x = (int) e.getX(e.getPointerId(a));
      int y = (int) e.getY(e.getPointerId(a));
      Log.d(TAG, "pointer_" + e.getPointerId(a) + ": x = " + x
          + ", y = " + y);
    return false;

Here is the log (touch with 5 fingers):

11-09 17:32:55.542: D/Touch(20594): pointer_0: x = 169, y = 613
11-09 17:32:55.542: D/Touch(20594): pointer_1: x = 407, y = 289
11-09 17:32:55.542: D/Touch(20594): pointer_2: x = 62, y = 441
11-09 17:32:55.542: D/Touch(20594): pointer_3: x = 251, y = 202
11-09 17:32:55.542: D/Touch(20594): pointer_4: x = 132, y = 256

What is your Android device and OS version?

ignacio pugliese

This happens because your method will return false when you want to make move. All multi finger actions should return true.
