scaling around mid point of two fingers in android

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-06 04:08:29

For a view you are scaling, you can set the "invariant" point that should not move using setPivotX() and setPivotY(). When I use a ScaleGestureDetector, I use the focus point for this. For example:

    public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector)

I'm not sure if you want to do this with all of the children, or just the parent view, in your case, but usually you just need to do this to a single "parent" view and it will work properly for the children of that view.

Related to this, I didn't quite understand why you're passing the scaling factor down to each child when scaling the parent view will scale all of its children too. Maybe you just need to add a single FrameLayout (or some other ViewGroup descendent) into your HorizontalScrollView that hosts the children and then just scale that (after setting its pivot appropriately)?

Updated re comment

Given that you only want to scale the views in the pinched region between the fingers, I believe you have a couple options, depending on your app:

1) Dynamically add just those views to an intermediate FrameLayout which gets scaled and has its pivot set, leaving the non-scaled views as direct children of the HorizontalScrollView; or

2) Passing down the focus point to each scaled child view after first adjusting for the child's position. For example, assuming your DrawView either directly or indirectly inherits from android.view.View, which I would strongly recommend, then you can do something like:

    for (int i = start; i <= last; i++) {
        LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout)pp.getChildAt(i);
        DrawView view = (DrawView)ll.findViewById(;

        view.setPivotX(detector.getFocusX() - view.getLeft());    // Note: minus, not plus...
        view.setPivotY(detector.getFocusY() - view.getTop());