I'm trying to import Soundtouch library in my Android project, but I'm not a native code power user, so that's probably why I'm having some issues understanding the way the building is supposed to be done.
I tried to follow his guidelines:
Android : Help in compiling SoundTouch lib in android
That means, I created 2 folders(include/ and SoundTouch/) and I respectively inserted the headers and the .cpp files.
Afterwards, I used his Android.mk and when I tried to ndk-build, I got this:
Android NDK: WARNING: Ignoring invalid values in LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES definition in /home/user/workspace/Player/jni/Android.mk: -fno-exceptions
Android NDK: WARNING: Ignoring invalid values in LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES definition in /home/user/workspace/Player/jni/Android.mk: -fno-exceptions
make: *** No rule to make target /home/user/Downloads/android-ndk-r8d/build/core/SoundTouch/AAFilter.cpp', needed by /home/user/workspace/Player/obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/SoundTouch/SoundTouch/AAFilter.o'. Stop.
As far as I read, I can remove the -fno-exceptions flag since in newer versions of the NDK the exception handling is disabled by default, but I don't get what's wrong about the make part.
Thanks in advance.