how to start teamviewer session on the basis of teamviewerid in

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-06 03:25:41

In ASP.NET you could generate something like a grid, with a list of computers, TeamViewer IDs and a "Connect" button.

This button should just open a browser tab to the following URL: teamviewer8://remotecontrol?connectcc=12345

  • Replace 12345 for the "BuddyID" that is related to the TeamViewerID of the computer that you want to connect to.
  • TeamViewer 8.1 or higher should be installed in your machine.
  • You have to be locally logged in your TeamViewer account to the remotecontrol command to work.

How to create a TeamViewer account:

More info about using the API here.

Maiko Kingma

If you have Teamviewer installed on the your local pc you can use this method. In this example tbID is a textbox in which the user types the Teamviewer ID and tbPassword is a textbox in which the user types the Teamviewer Password.

private const string path = @"C:\Program Files(x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe";

private const string arguments = " -i {0} --Password {1}";

public TeamViewerDialog()

private void btnGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!tbID.Text.Equals(string.Empty) && !tbPassword.Text.Equals(string.Empty))
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path, string.Format(arguments, tbID.Text, tbPassword.Text));

This example starts TeamViewer with arguments containing a TeamviewerID and password. If the password and ID are correct Teamviewer will immediately start a new session. I tested the example with teamviewer10. If there was already a teamviewer instance running this wil not create a seccond instance but use the existing one.

Documentation about the start parameters can be found here:

In the case of you might want to check the last 2 pages of the TeamViewer Api documentation which contain URL's to connect teamviewer. This documentation can be found here:
