Media queries on retina enabled devices

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-06 02:53:40

First, why not to use that information most of the time (from PPK at Quirksmode about devicePixelRatio)

Retina iPhones have a width of 640 physical pixels in portrait mode. Still, websites that use the meta viewport should not become 640px wide, but instead remain at 320, which is the optimal reading size for the iPhone.

Second, when you still want to target specifically high resolution devices (called Retina by Apple), you should read Cross Browser Retina/High Resolution Media Queries where the shortest snippet is:

  only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), 
  only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi) { 
    /* Retina-specific stuff here */

but there are others and also links to 3 previous interesting articles and updates about Windows Phone, Opera Mini, Firefox OS and different ratios that now exist
