2. ClustrixDB 文件/参数说明

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-06 02:17:03



记录节点慢SQL/错误SQL/DDL 等信息,节点分开记录

Each entry in the query.log is categorized as one of these types. Specific logging for each query type is controlled by the global or session variable indicated.

Query Type


ALTER CLUSTER Changes made to your cluster via the ALTER CLUSTER command are always logged to the query.log automatically. This logging is not controlled by a global variable.
BAD The query reads more rows than necessary to return the expected results. This may indicate a bad plan or missing index. Logging of BAD queries is not enabled by default (session_log_bad_queries).
DDL The query is DDL (i.e. schema change such as CREATEDROPALTER), or a SET GLOBAL or SESSION command. All DDL queries are initially logged by default (session_log_ddl).
SLOW Query execution time exceeded the threshold specified by the variable session_log_slow_threshold_ms.
SQLERR These database errors are things such as syntax errors, timeout notifications, and permission issues. All SQLERR queries will be logged by default (session_log_error_queries).


These are the variables that control query and user logging. The defaults shown are generally acceptable for most installations.



Default Value

Session Variable

session_log_bad_queries Log BAD queries to the query.log false

session_log_ddl Log DDL statements to query.log true  
session_log_error_queries Log ERROR statements to query.log true  
session_log_slow_queries Log SLOW statements to query.log true  
session_log_slow_threshold_ms Query duration threshold in milliseconds before logging this query 10000

session_log_users Log LOGIN/LOGOUT to user.log false  


MySQL [(none)]> show variables like '%session_log%';


| Variable_name                  | Value  |


| session_log_bad_queries        | false  |

| session_log_bad_read_ratio     | 100    |

| session_log_bad_read_threshold | 4000   |

| session_log_ddl                | true   |

| session_log_error_queries      | true   |

| session_log_slow_queries       | true   |

| session_log_slow_threshold_ms  | 100000 |

| session_log_users              | false  |


8 rows in set (0.01 sec)


MySQL [(none)]> set global session_log_slow_threshold_ms=1000;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

MySQL [(none)]> show global variables like 'session_log_slow_threshold_ms';
| Variable_name | Value |
| session_log_slow_threshold_ms | 1000 |


MySQL [(none)]>  select * from tail_query_log order by timestamp desc limit 10;


二、 日志 /data/clustrix/log/user.log



MySQL [system]> show variables like 'session_log_users';
| Variable_name | Value |
| session_log_users | false |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

MySQL [system]> set global session_log_users=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.51 sec)

MySQL [system]> show variables like 'session_log_users';
| Variable_name | Value |
| session_log_users | true |


MySQL [system]> select * from system.tail_user_log;

| nodeid | timestamp | num | hostname | command | message | repeated |
| 1 | 2019-11-26 07:22:23.396171 | 0 | nid | NULL | 1 ip-10-1-3-88.cn-northwest-1.compute.internal clxnode: USER SID:16385 db="system" user=root@localhost LOGOUT | 0 |
| 1 | 2019-11-26 07:22:24.371812 | 1 | nid | NULL | 1 ip-10-1-3-88.cn-northwest-1.compute.internal clxnode: USER SID:17409 db=#undef user=root@localhost LOGIN | 0 |
| 1 | 2019-11-26 07:22:54.216004 | 2 | nid | NULL | 1 ip-10-1-3-88.cn-northwest-1.compute.internal clxnode: USER SID:18433 db=#undef user=root@localhost LOGIN | 0 |
| 1 | 2019-11-26 07:23:05.066316 | 3 | nid | NULL | 1 ip-10-1-3-88.cn-northwest-1.compute.internal clxnode: USER SID:18433 db=#undef user=root@localhost LOGOUT | 0 |
| 2 | 2019-11-26 07:23:07.523621 | 0 | nid | NULL | 2 ip-10-1-3-242.cn-northwest-1.compute.internal clxnode: USER SID:6146 db="system" user=root@localhost LOGOUT | 0 |
| 2 | 2019-11-26 07:23:08.049621 | 1 | nid | NULL | 2 ip-10-1-3-242.cn-northwest-1.compute.internal clxnode: USER SID:7170 db=#undef user=root@localhost LOGIN | 0 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


三、Rebalance 配置


sql> select * from system.rebalancer_activity_log order by started desc limit 10; 


sql> set global rebalancer_rebalance_task_limit = 8;
sql> set global rebalancer_vdev_task_limit = 4;
sql> set global task_rebalancer_rebalance_distribution_interval_ms = 5000;
sql> set global task_rebalancer_rebalance_interval_ms = 5000;


sql> set global rebalancer_rebalance_task_limit = default;
sql> set global rebalancer_vdev_task_limit = default;
sql> set global task_rebalancer_rebalance_distribution_interval_ms = default;
sql> set global task_rebalancer_rebalance_interval_ms = default;



sql> select * from system.global_variable_definitions where current_value != default_value;




SELECT nodeid, exec_count, exec_ms, exec_ms/exec_count as avg_ms, left(statement,100)
     FROM system.qpc_queries 
     ORDER BY exec_ms desc 
     LIMIT 3;



sql> SELECT query_key,

             sum(exec_count) as calc_exec_count,
             round(avg(avg_rows_read)) as calc_avg_rows_read,
             round(avg(avg_exec_ms)) as calc_avg_exec_ms
     FROM    clustrix_statd.qpc_history
     WHERE   timestamp BETWEEN (now() - interval 24 hour) AND now()
     AND     database !='clustrix_statd'
     GROUP BY query_key
     ORDER BY calc_exec_count     DESC,
              calc_avg_rows_read  DESC
     LIMIT 100;




sql> SELECT query_key,
            sum(exec_count) as calc_exec_count,
            round(avg(avg_rows_read)) as calc_avg_rows_read,
            round(avg(avg_exec_ms)) as calc_avg_exec_ms
     FROM   clustrix_statd.qpc_history
     WHERE  timestamp BETWEEN (now() - interval 24 hour) AND now()
     AND    database !='clustrix_statd'
     GROUP BY query_key
     ORDER BY calc_avg_rows_read DESC,
              calc_exec_count DESC
     LIMIT 100;


sql> SELECT query_key,
            sum(exec_count) as calc_exec_count,
            round(avg(avg_rows_read)) as calc_avg_rows_read,
            round(avg(avg_exec_ms)) as calc_avg_exec_ms
     FROM   clustrix_statd.qpc_history
     WHERE  timestamp BETWEEN (now() - interval 24 hour) AND now()
     AND    database !='clustrix_statd'
     GROUP BY query_key
     ORDER BY calc_avg_exec_ms  DESC,
              calc_exec_count   DESC
     LIMIT 100;


六、system's tables     

MySQL [(none)]> use system;
Database changed
MySQL [system]> show tables;
| Tables_in_system |
| activity |
| alerts_intervals |
| alerts_messages |
| alerts_parameters |
| alerts_subscriptions |
| alter_progress |
| autoinc_sequences |
| backups |
| backup_masters |
| backup_status |
| backup_tables |
| barriers |
| base_allocators |
| bigc_state |
| binlogs |
| binlog_commits |
| binlog_commits_segments |
| binlog_ignore_databases |
| binlog_ignore_tables |
| binlog_log_databases |
| binlog_log_tables |
| binlog_segments |
| bm_latch_waits |
| bm_stats |
| broadcast_nodes |
| check_constraints |
| cluster_session_stats |
| cluster_session_variables |
| columns |
| constraints |
| containers |
| container_stats |
| container_truncates |
| container_type_codes |
| cpm_history |
| cpm_info |
| cpu_activity |
| cpu_allocations |
| cpu_load |
| databases |
| debugpoints |
| deferred_foreign_keys |
| deferred_foreign_key_columns |
| definers |
| device_containers |
| device_containers2 |
| device_space_stats |
| disks |
| disk_activity |
| disk_paths |
| dlog_stats |
| dropped_binlogs |
| engines |
| error_codes |
| event_map |
| failpoints |
| fibers |
| flow_control_channels |
| flow_control_peers |
| foreign_keys |
| foreign_key_columns |
| global_stats |
| global_variables |
| global_variables_ignored |
| global_variable_definitions |
| groups |
| gtm_accepter |
| gtm_coord |
| gtm_coord_invocations |
| gtm_ddl |
| gtm_ddl_server |
| gtm_poisoned_invoc |
| gtm_poisoned_trx |
| gtm_repick_accepters |
| gtm_resolver |
| gtm_send_queues |
| hash_distribution_map |
| heaps |
| imported_index_pds |
| index_sizes |
| index_stats |
| init_graph_stats |
| internal_routines |
| internode_latency |
| invocations |
| irp_queues |
| key_caches |
| layercons |
| layers |
| layer_merges |
| license |
| load |
| lockman |
| lockman_holders |
| lockman_victims |
| lpdcache |
| lpds |
| ltm_transactions |
| mdstat |
| media_scanners |
| membership |
| memory_table_replicas |
| missing_pds |
| missing_pd_columns |
| missing_pd_details |
| mounts |
| mvcc_waiters |
| mysql_binlogs |
| mysql_binlog_index |
| mysql_binlog_segments |
| mysql_binlog_stats |
| mysql_binlog_trims |
| mysql_character_sets |
| mysql_collations |
| mysql_db_replication_policy |
| mysql_error_codes |
| mysql_indexed_binlogs |
| mysql_master_status |
| mysql_registered_slaves |
| mysql_repconfig |
| mysql_repslave_svars |
| mysql_repstate |
| mysql_repstate_until |
| mysql_sessions |
| mysql_slave_connection_status |
| mysql_slave_db_replication_policy |
| mysql_slave_driver_status |
| mysql_slave_log_updates |
| mysql_slave_rewrite_db |
| mysql_slave_skip_errors |
| mysql_slave_stats |
| mysql_slave_status |
| mysql_slave_variables |
| mysql_table_replication_policy |
| named_locks |
| networking |
| network_activity |
| nodeinfo |
| nodes |
| objects |
| partitioned_hash_distributions |
| partitions |
| partition_endpoints |
| partition_functions |
| pdcache_raw |
| pdms |
| pds |
| pd_groups |
| pd_group_columns |
| pending_invites |
| periodic_tasks |
| poisoned_barriers |
| privileges |
| problem_nodes |
| processlist |
| processlistfull |
| proc_cpu |
| proc_cpu_rates |
| proc_diskstats |
| proc_diskstat_rates |
| proc_interrupts |
| proc_interrupt_rates |
| proc_meminfo |
| proc_net_dev |
| proc_net_dev_rates |
| proc_softirqs |
| proc_softirq_rates |
| profiled_invocations |
| profiled_plans |
| profiled_statements |
| profiled_til |
| profiled_transactions |
| profiling |
| program_cache |
| protection_log |
| ps |
| public_keys |
| qpc_lru |
| qpc_plans |
| qpc_queries |
| queues |
| queue_readers |
| queue_replays |
| queue_replay_streams |
| queue_replay_waiters |
| queue_status |
| range_hash_distributions |
| rebalancer_activity_log |
| rebalancer_activity_targets |
| rebalancer_copies |
| rebalancer_copy_activity |
| rebalancer_copy_work_queue |
| rebalancer_hash_distributions |
| rebalancer_queued_activity |
| rebalancer_redistributes |
| rebalancer_replicas |
| rebalancer_representations |
| rebalancer_scheduled_replicas |
| rebalancer_slices |
| rebalancer_splits |
| rebalancer_started_activity |
| rebalancer_summary |
| rebalancer_vdevs |
| redistributes |
| relations |
| relation_alters |
| relation_alter_columns |
| relation_build_status |
| relation_sizes |
| replicas |
| replicated_containers |
| replication_checkpoint |
| replication_master_status |
| replica_copies |
| replica_sizes |
| replica_status_codes |
| representations |
| representation_builds |
| representation_columns |
| representation_sizes |
| representation_stats |
| restore_database_builds |
| restore_object_builds |
| ril_cache_p |
| ril_stats |
| routines |
| routine_parameters |
| sequences |
| sequence_state |
| sessions |
| session_call_stacks |
| session_containers |
| session_local_variables |
| session_pdcache |
| session_row_stats |
| sighandlers |
| sighandlers_json |
| signals |
| skiplists |
| slave_row_stats |
| slave_slices |
| slave_slice_readers |
| slave_slice_relations |
| slave_slice_writers |
| slices |
| slice_splits |
| softfailed_devices |
| softfailed_nodes |
| softfailing_containers |
| sqlstates |
| stats |
| strmaps |
| suspended_closures |
| system_users |
| sys_block_devs |
| tables_and_views |
| table_pdms |
| table_replicas |
| table_sizes |
| table_slices |
| tail_clustrix_log |
| tail_nanny_log |
| tail_query_log |
| tail_user_log |
| tail_webui_log |
| tasks |
| task_placement |
| tcp |
| temporary_tables |
| time_zones |
| tracepoints |
| transactions |
| triggers |
| trigger_event |
| trigger_orientation |
| trigger_timing |
| trxstate |
| trxstate_stats |
| underprotected_slices |
| users |
| user_accessible_databases |
| user_accessible_tables |
| user_accessible_triggers |
| user_accessible_users |
| user_acl |
| user_routine_acl |
| vdev_io |
| vdev_stat |
| version_history |
| views |
| virtual_relations |
| virtual_views |
| vmstats |
| wals |
| wal_windows |
295 rows in set (0.14 sec)
