Change figure and table captions in blogdown

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-06 01:29:29

First, store the _bookdown.yml file you described in the same folder as the blog post source .Rmd file, e.g. content/post/_bookdown.yml if your file is at content/post/my_post.Rmd.

Then, add _bookdown.yml to the list of ignoreFiles in your config.toml so that Hugo doesn't move _bookdown.yml to the public directory.

This works because blogdown::html_page() is based on bookdown::html_document2(), which will pick up the _bookdown.yml in the same directory of the source Rmd. I don't think it's possible to set this globally from your blogdown root dir, but if you store all your posts in content/post it's basically the same thing.
