C++ polymorphism with variadic function parameter

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-06 01:26:47

As per [thread.thread.constr]§3, the type of the first argument of the std::thread constructor is F&&, with the requirement that F is MoveConstructible. In your case, F is Thread, which is not MoveConstructible.

In other words, the std::thread needs to store the functor by value, and you're forwarding the functor as Thread, which is abstract.

The problem is:

std::forward< Thread<Args...> >(*this)

which tries to copy the Thread sub-object. Luckily it's abstract, so you get a compile error rather than unexpected runtime behaviour.

You want a reference wrapper instead:


I considered the multiple advice provided by the participants to this topic including the use of std::ref and would like to share with you the working code version solving the issues I got with the previous code.

#include <thread>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class... Args>
class Thread
    virtual void operator()(Args...) = 0;

    void run(Args... args)
    std::thread t(std::ref(*this), args...);

template<class... Args>
class Functor : public Thread<Args...>
    void operator()(int)
        while (1)
            cout << "42 "; cout.flush();

int main()
    int a = 12;
    Functor<int> f;

    return 0;

Thanks again.
