In my project I am using the font android: fontFamily = "sans-serif-light", and working properly.
I am also using the library viewpagerindicator. I want to use the font android: fontFamily = "sans-serif-light" also in the viewpagerindicator, but can not find how to do it
I've tried using android:fontFamily = "sans-serif-light"
in <com.viewpagerindicator.TitlePageIndicator ...
and in style, but without success.
I have also tried:
PageIndicator mIndicator = (TitlePageIndicator) findViewById (;
Typeface myTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset (getAssets (), "fonts / Roboto-Light.ttf");
mIndicator.setTypeface (myTypeface);
but this does not work ..
I appreciate any help.
Thanks and regards
If I don't get you wrong, you want to change titles font in view pager indicator,
I changed the library to achieve that, for TabPageIndicator custome typeface I added this for
private Typeface mTypeface;
public void setTypeFace(Typeface tf) {
this.mTypeface = tf;
and then change addTab function to this:
private void addTab(int index, CharSequence text, int iconResId) {
final TabView tabView = new TabView(getContext());
tabView.mIndex = index;
**if (mTypeface != null) {
if (iconResId != 0) {
tabView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(iconResId, 0, 0, 0);
mTabLayout.addView(tabView, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(0, MATCH_PARENT, 1));
now you should just setTypeFace on your tabpagerindicator, like this:
mTabPageIndicator = (TabPageIndicator) findViewById(;
mTabPageIndicator.setTypeFace(Typeface.createFromAsset(getApplicationContext().getAssets(), "fonts/custome_font.ttf");
I'm using the ViewPageIndicator library, here's how I did it (index is the tab index in your view page indicator):
private void changeTabText(int index, boolean on){
if(tabLayout.getChildCount()-1 >= index){
TextView tv = (TextView)tabLayout.getChildAt(index);
tv.setTextColor(getResources().getColor(on? : R.color.light_grey));
CustomFont.setTypeface(tv, CustomFont.NORMAL);
Here's how I got the tablayout:
tabLayout = (ViewGroup)indicator.getChildAt(0); //indicator is a horizontal scroll view, there will be only one root layout
Here's what my custom font does:
public static void setTypeface(TextView view, String font) {
Typeface typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(view.getContext().getAssets(), BASE_PATH + font);
A more OOD implementation is to modify the Library by creating a new interface:
public interface FontPagerAdapter {
* Get the fonts to set.
Typeface getCustomFont();}
And in class add a new property:
private Typeface customTypeFace;
which will be set in the notifyDataSetChanged() method by declaring:
if (adapter instanceof FontPagerAdapter) {
FontPagerAdapter fontAdapter = (FontPagerAdapter)adapter;
customTypeFace = fontAdapter.getCustomFont();
Later you would change the Font by setting it programatically in the addTab method, just by adding:
if (customTypeFace != null) {
Finally in the adapter that will use the library, you need to implement this interface, then override the method:
public Typeface getCustomFont() {
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(),"fonts/PoetsenOne-Regular.ttf");
return font;