Scheme code cond error in Wescheme

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-06 00:01:07

Use local for internal definitions in the teaching languages.

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(define (insert l n e)
  (if (= 0 n)
      (cons e l)
      (cons (car l) 
            (insert (cdr l) (- n 1) e))))

(define (seq start end)
  (if (= start end)
      (list end)
      (cons start (seq (+ start 1) end))))

(define (permute2 l) 
    [(null? l) '(())]
     (local [(define (silly1 p)
               (local [(define (silly2 n) (insert p n (car l)))]
                 (map silly2 (seq 0 (length p)))))]
       (apply append (map silly1 (permute2 (cdr l)))))]))

(permute2 '(3 2 1))

Another option would be to restructure the code, extracting the inner definitions (which seem to be a problem for WeScheme) and passing around the missing parameters, like this:

(define (insert l n e)
  (if (= 0 n)
      (cons e l)
      (cons (car l) 
            (insert (cdr l) (- n 1) e))))

(define (seq start end)
  (if (= start end)
      (list end)
      (cons start (seq (+ start 1) end))))

(define (permute l) 
    [(null? l) '(())]
    [else (apply append (map (lambda (p) (silly1 p l))
                             (permute (cdr l))))]))

(define (silly1 p l)
  (map (lambda (n) (silly2 n p l))
       (seq 0 (length p))))

(define (silly2 n p l)
  (insert p n (car l)))

The above will work in pretty much any Scheme implementation I can think of, it's very basic, standard Scheme code.
