Maven Building Error

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-05 23:06:39

As the error says, you are not able to connect to the maven repository at :

Try a different repository, details here or add to your pom, this:


There can be 2 possibilities.

  1. You have experinced connection problems to central repository.
  2. Something is wrong in your pom.xml

The exception says that the problem is not in YCSB but in connection to repository while trying to download maven clean plugin.

So, send here pom.xml and just in case check you network connection and try again. Is there a chance that you access internet via browser using proxy while maven does it directly, so the connection is unavailable? Or firewall in your company checks user-agent and does not allow you to connect to repository?


BTW it seems that version 2.4.1 is not in the repository. At least manually I can see version 1.0, 1.0 beta and 1.5

This may happen if you are behind a proxy please add proxy settings in ~/.m2/settings.xml and try.


        <host>proxy host name</host>

Look like you're maven cannot connect to the repository defined to pull the required artifacts. Are you behind a proxy? In that case you would require to configure the proxy settings in maven - conf - settings.xml.
