How do I initialise a new NSDocument instance in Swift?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-05 23:05:02


Apple documentation suggests to override an NSDocument convenience init (initWithType:error:) as described here.

However, as this is a convenience init, I cannot override it. But I still need to execute some code when a new document is created. I do not want to execute that code when I load a document.

In my particular case I try to initialise an NSPersistentDocument, but I doubt that is relevant.

What shall I do?


To execute init code for a new document:

// Create new document (only called for new documents)
convenience init?(type typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) {
    fileType = typeName
    // add your own initialisation for new document here

The problem in Swift is that you can not call a convenience initializer in super. Instead you must delegate to a designated initializer in self. This means that you can't take advantage of any of supers convenience initializers and you must implement the initialization your self---hence fileType = typeName above. As much as I like Swift, I find this stupid: what's the point of re-implementing code that could be reused!?


Above answer works for Swift 1.

It has to be changed to answer below in Swift 2:

convenience init(type typeName: String) throws {
    // Rest of initialization code here

This was answered here:

Reposted for convenience since this is a common problem.

