I'm sending a couple of files from an HTML form to my server which is based on BaseHTTPServer.
Within my do_POST I'm getting a string from rfile.read(length) which looks like some sort of multipart MIME string. Google is not being helpful on how I can decode this into something usable.
The output looks like this :
-----------------------------122422713313797828591978698502 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" 1000000 -----------------------------122422713313797828591978698502 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="and_title_input"
and so on.
I've tried email.parser
from email.parser import Parser
but msg doesn't seem to get me any nearer to my goal - it's not multipart and contains no payload.
I'm reduced to parsing the data myself - which is surely not the Pythonic way of doing things!
Have I missed something obvious? Has Google let me down? Can Stack Overflow save the day?
Would cgi.parse_multipart meet your need? Also see a relevant discussion on comp.lang.python.